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Fitness & Health

Brandy’s Food Log in People Mag

Hey Guys –

Ok guys, so summer officially starts Sunday, June 21, 2015. Since the beginning of the year, quite a few people have been trying to either lose weight, eat healthier, tone up, or a combination of them all. I admit, I have been struggling since January but always manage to get back on track when I feel like I’ve gone too far! I have been going to the gym four days a week, eating smarter and having a positive attitude. My trainer is very helpful, but even with all the help and motivation from him, I still get beside myself. It’s like I know all the things to do to look and feel great, I just hate all the hard work in the process – so frustrating.

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So, tell me, what have you been doing or what do you do to keep yourself healthy and in tip top shape?

Smooches! ♥

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