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The Balancing Act: Modern Women With the Same Drive, Different Lifestyle

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The Not-So-Traditional, Modern, Busy Woman

Shonda Rhimes, whom we all know as an award-winning writer, definitely balances several acts. During a sit-down with Oprah Winfrey on an episode of Super Soul Sunday, Rhimes made it clear that she never wanted to be married. She knew that motherhood was definitely a must, but a marriage, however, not so much.

Rhimes states:

“I love having boyfriends. I love dating, I do not want a husband in my house.”

Rhimes noted that writing occupies much of her thoughts and much of her time and dividing time between that, motherhood and having a husband just wouldn’t fly.

Deciding against marriage has not ruined her plans of having children. Rhimes is the mother of three girls and has still managed the continuity of her critically acclaimed shows – Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, Grey’s Anatomy and more.  

Interestingly enough, Oprah, too, has been quite vocal about having a nontraditional home life. It has never been her desire to be a mother. And although she has been in a relationship with Stedman Graham probably longer than I am old, marrying him and bearing his children were never on her to-do list.

Winfrey was quoted in Vanity Fair saying:

“If I had kids, my kids would hate me…they would have ended up on the equivalent of The Oprah Winfrey Show talking about me because something (in her life) would have had to suffer, and it would’ve been them.”

In that same interview, she did say she is the mother to the world’s children and that’s commendable because her involvements prove it. Her life is centered on a well-rounded career in media and philanthropy and as far as I am concerned, hats off to every woman who knows what works for her and what does not.

#Balancing Act of #Women: Hats off to every woman who knows what works for her and what does notClick To Tweet


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Auketria is a full-time working mom and author with a passion for modern relationships and she dips in hair care education once in a while. When she's not contributing, she's working on penning new books and booking clients for her writing consultation business - On Writer's Block. Grab a copy of her books on Amazon: MISSION STATEMENT: Aiming to bring readers the latest in hair care & hair styling trends while provoking fun-healthy debates about your favorite relationship topics.


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