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Dear Single Mothers: Why Is it So Hard to Not Be in Control? [Your Feedback Needed]

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Even with my discernment and trying the spirit by the spirit, I have this feeling that I can’t allow another perspective in on my parenting and on my relationship with my children.

Truthfully, I didn’t know these feelings ran so deep but it’s difficult to explain. Overcompensating comes to mind as well as being a ferocious mama bear if you will.

Being so primary in their lives (they know their dad and have a relationship with him but his presence has always been needed more than the amount given) and their go-to for everything by myself, I am now battling with the idea of someone coming in and help take part in helping to finish raising my son.

I say my son because the reality is that my daughter has been raised. There’s some decisions that will have to be nurtured and fostered, guidance given from this point on but she is about to be a young adult in 5 minutes.

No, my job with her is not done (a parent’s job is never done) but she is well on her way to becoming who she is destined to be.

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Auketria is a full-time working mom and author with a passion for modern relationships and she dips in hair care education once in a while. When she's not contributing, she's working on penning new books and booking clients for her writing consultation business - On Writer's Block. Grab a copy of her books on Amazon: MISSION STATEMENT: Aiming to bring readers the latest in hair care & hair styling trends while provoking fun-healthy debates about your favorite relationship topics.


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